Sunday 3 May 2015

Shooting Boudoir Photography

Shooting Boudoir Photography

By Simon Everett

Boudoir Photography
Taking Boudoir images is a unique experience for any photographer, and has to prepared very carefully and tactfully, as most boudoir would involve female subjects, and to put them at ease it is wise to be polite and understanding the there needs, as being a male photographer some female models may feel uneasy especially if this is the first time they have modeled for Boudoir.
Keeping the Model relaxed
Its always a good thing to keep the model updated and happy with all what is happening with regards what positions and and look that you are looking for, and more importantly if the model is happy with this. It is wise to have a talk with model before starting the shoot.
Maternity Studio shoot

The shoot
Explain preciously  to the model at each step of the way to ensure the model if comfortable and happy with the poses and angle at which your shooting.
Your model will become more relaxed and confident as the shoot goes on.

The studio
A typical Boudoir shoot will consist of highkey and lowkey techniques some models will prefer lowkey lighting for there boudoir shoot as this may be there first time etc, however you may have a model who is confident enough to have both lighting techniques, either way these are factors to consider and that you as the photographer are happy and knowledgeable to shoot.

Images and settings
At regular intervals show the model your images on the camera this will also help there confidence during the shoot and will see your results as they happen.
When setting up a studio for Boudoir what is required, for example highkey if your looking for stunning white background and detail looked strobe lighting with good quality softboxes is the first step to success making sure that having a good set of strobe lights will help you in every way. You can use flash speedlights as well however be aware that speedlight do produce a harsh light that may require softening, you can of course use speedlight softboxes to accomplish this.
Camera settings there are several settings you can use I tend to want to cancel out all ambient light in the studio for example the main lights so setting your aperture to f/10 will achieve this it’s a good trick to try grab you camera if your in a room with the light on set your camera f stop t f/10 and take a picture, you should see the result be pretty much all black now take a photo at say f/4 then you will see light in the room as your eyes sees it, i simply trick but works effectively in a studio lighting controlled environment.
Boudoir Studio may 2014
Always keep an open mind more for the model needs as well as the results your looking for, have you taken into account a room the model can change in private and that the studio in this case is an enclosed environment so no one can stray pass and see what is going on, this all helps with the model’s confidence.
Be aware that the model will normally be looking for tasteful but classy images as they would either be for several reasons, partners, portfolio, and many others.

Boudoir photography is not your regular studio photography for most however it does come along at times so researching it is as important as shooting a family portrait.

Thanks for reading.

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